Friday, January 5, 2018

Story Unbridled at Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awards

最佳剪接提名 (Best Editing Mention)
最佳實驗短片提名 (Best Experimental Film Mention)(老實說不知道為什麼被歸類到實驗短片了)
最佳燈光設計獎 (Best Lighting Design Award)
很感動看到 Mark 這麼用心的舉辦這個活動,非常的感恩,我相信一定會年年更好的!

SangChristian, and Athena, it is a pity that you guys are not in Taiwan for this festival. Thank you for being the key crew of this film. Story Unbridled wouldn't have been done if you guys weren't by my side. A lot of hassles happened during the production, but I believe we all learned a lot, me for sure. Hope we are all doing better and better!

Thank you, Christian, your persistence in cinematography and lighting wins this award! Sergio, you are truly an experienced photographer and cinematographer! Although the name on the trophy is my Chinese name, the fact, this "Best Lighting Design Award" belongs to you guys Christian and Sergio (the festival just went ahead put the filmmaker's name on it without asking us for the crew list. I should give the trophy to you guys later when I am in Vancouver).

My cast, thank you guys, especially JillRobWarrenCelesteEvanCiprian, and Chris. Thank you guys for being part of this film and bearing with my directing. Hope to work with you guys again!

B.C. 還有 Sherry,謝謝你們願意這樣支持我,你們真的很棒,每次看到在片中的你們,我都覺得很感動。

還有太多人要說感謝了,願意借我場地(Ben),願意跟我減少收費當我的舞蹈指導(Lily), Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society (台加文化協會)的慧中老師,還有太多人願意幫我太多太多了,當然還包括願意熬夜當我臨演的朋友。我欠了一屁股人情債了。




PS. 謝謝Ru BatronGaryLiao Po Cheng還有Mike陪我去頒獎,我才不致於感覺孤軍奮戰啊! 謝謝 零幼姍 找到了我的帽子!@Yang Qi-Yin 讓你跑了一趟溫哥華,不過應該蠻好玩的吧。

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