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林學寬 (Vincent H. Kuan Lin)

畢業加拿大西門菲莎大學 (Simon Fraser University),電影和心理系。最先開始於製作低預算短片累積作品和製片經驗,高中時期自行製作學生短片,翻拍音樂短片得到了加拿大中文電視台 (Fairchild TV)短片競賽最佳音樂短片。


2016年,林學寬的畢業短片《尼克的彈弓冒險》(Nick and the Slingshot)入選多個國際電影展,同時受到中華電信金片子競賽特別合作獎的肯定,在台灣與加拿大兩國取景拍攝最新的作品《幻境綺想》(Story Unbridled)。

Vincent Hsueh Kuan Lin was graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BFA in Psychology and Film. 

His film, Consciousness, was invited to screen in Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival (TWFF) in 2014. 

His graduation film, Nick and the Slingshot (2015), was selected by many international festivals and won the Chunghwa Telecom Sponsor Prize leading him to the production, Story Unbridled.


 "For me, photography and filmmaking are more than just a profession; it is about how to 'make the past move.' It is a process that makes sense of the history; thoughts of a photographer and components in a picture direct the viewers' understanding of it. Shooting videos and films is doing the same whether it is a documentary or a fictional narrative. While street photography can emphasize parenthood with an instant capture of a father raising a little boy with laughter in a park, a comedy short can also create a sense of humour with simply an illogical quirky facial expression of a serious old man. These images are the remnant of the past, but they are enriched with magic for us to perceive the story of them.

      I want to be a great magician too; I want to be a good storyteller."